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 1. Harold Koh  Realizing the Promise of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: Examining the First 60 Years and Beyond - Keynote Address - The Politics of Implementation: The Role of Human Rights in Foreign Poli  Washington College of Law 
 2. Joanne Bauer  The Business & Human Rights Resource Centre and the Importance of Human Rights Policies  Carnegie Council Program 
 3. Shami Chakrabarti; Jonathan Cooper; Professor Conor Gearty; Baroness Helena Kennedy QC; Professor Francesca Klug; Professor Peter Townsend  Human Rights Day Event: The Right of Rights 1948-2008  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 4. Murray N. Rothbard  15. Human Rights as Property Rights  The Ethics of Liberty 
 5. Institute of Psychiatry  Human Rights Gone Mad  Maudsley Debates 
 6. Robert LeFevre  Human Rights  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 7. Robert LeFevre  Human Rights  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 8. Robert Green Ingersoll  11 - Human Rights  Lectures of Col. R.G. Ingersoll, Vol. 2 
 9. Robert LeFevre  Human Rights  Robert LeFevre Commentary 
 10. Alama Khalil Habib  Perspective on Human Rights  Jesus Christ 
 11. Cheri Honkala  Economic Human Rights  UMaine Thurs. 4-2-2009 
 12. AALS Section on International Human Rights  new voices in human rights  AALS 2009 Annual Meeting 
 13. Africa program  Human Rights in Ethiopia  Center for Strategic and International Studies 
 14. Radio E  China human rights  Network Europe 
 15. Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace  Human Rights in Morocco  Carnegie Endowment Podcast 
 16. Carnegie Endowment for Internal Peace  Human Rights in Morocco  Carnegie Endowment Podcast 
 17. Dr Helen Duffy  Litigating Human Rights in the  LSE Public Lectures and Events 
 18. David Seidenberg  Rabbis for Human Rights  Earth Covenant/Human Rights 
 19. Radio E  Human Rights vs. Security Poli  Network Europe 
 20. Cassandra Goldie, Director of HREOC's Sex Discrimination Unit  Housing and Homelessness What�s Human Rights got to do with It?   
 21. Eleanor Roosevelt  The Universal Declaration of Human Rights   
 22. cameron@thepodcastnetwork.com  G’DAY WORLD #268 - on the WTO, IMF and Human Rights in Australia  TPN :: GDay World » Podcast 
 23. By Christoph Koettl  When Science Meets Human Rights  bridges Vol. 19 
 24. Celeste McKay  Declaration of Indigenous Human Rights   
 25. Professor Noam Chomsky  Human Rights in the 21st Century  LSE: Public lectures and events 
 26. Robert McClelland  Human rights: a moral compass  Distinguished Speaker Series 
 27. Lynn Hunt  Inventing Human Rights: A History  CEES Book Talk Series  
 28. AudioBerkman  Ron Deibert on Securing Human Rights Online  Berkman Center for Internet & Society 
 29. Wesley Smith  The Great Ape Project Monkeys Around With Human Rights  What It Means to Be Human 
 30. Babak Bazargan  UN Human Rights Council Looks at US Immigration Policies   
   1 2 3 4 5 6 7    »
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